Focus | Food security and nutrition

Microalgae Food Farm in Zimbabwe Driving Sustainable Development

About this cause

Empower change through Sponsored Projects driving change through innovative strategies. Our Microalgae Farm project combines philanthropy and innovation to tackle food security. Spirulina microfarming provides essential nutrients, especially for mothers and children, to combat malnutrition while promoting sustainable agriculture. This project aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals, addressing poverty, food security, carbon reduction, decent work, economic development, and sustainable production.

The Cares Organization has received a substantial sustainability and impact donation from ZimWorx in partnership with the National Christian Foundation to launch a microalgae food production facility in Zimbabwe, aiming to feed 500 people in need daily. 

Spearheaded by three impact-conscious Harvard alumni: Ken Sharpe, a visionary and impactful businessman from Zimbabwe through his philanthropy fund, ZimWorx; Barbara D’Amato, a pioneer in impact investments and founder of The Cares Organization; and Peter Henderson, an impact entrepreneur and CEO of E2G FOOD, an innovative humanitarian food organization and developer of spirulina microfarms, this project combines philanthropy and innovation to tackle food security. Spirulina microfarming will provide essential nutrients, especially for mothers and children, to combat malnutrition while promoting sustainable agriculture. This project aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals, addressing poverty, food security, carbon reduction, decent work, economic development, and sustainable production. 

The convergence of D’Amato’s vision, for a cutting-edge platform pioneering modern strategies within the impact space, found a perfect synergistic complement in Sharpe’s ambitious plans to create impact at scale and Henderson’s social entrepreneurship initiatives. Together, their philosophy evolved from “what I can build with my resources” to “what can we build, together.” This collaborative philosophy ensures that their talents and resources are harnessed effectively to create sustainable solutions locally and on a global scale.

The Cares Organization invites global partners to join in impactful philanthropy, aiming for scalability and lasting change. One farm can produce up to 150,000 protein supplements in a year to feed people in need. Over four years this increases to 600,000 people positively impacted by the nutritional properties of spirulina. 

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