Every single person who makes a donation towards this compassionate cause, The Last Horns of Africa, is making a difference to conserve the earth’s beautiful wildlife and wild places, benefitting all of its inhabitants – our people, communities and animals!
From small contributions that help to deter poachers and provide essential reserve and waterhole maintenance for wildlife parks; to higher level contributions that include research funding, community engagement, education, and employment programs, without these programs the communities living alongside parks and reserves would see no value in the park and would only seek to hunt out animals for protein.
The communities that live alongside the world’s parks and reserves now hold the key to the survival of our wilderness areas and to its wildlife playing a key role in our planet’s ecosystem. Conservation tourism is a route to developing a thriving wildlife tourism industry in partnership with local communities, so that locals can start to see wildlife as their asset and not a menu item – these communities, in turn, become the best conservators for our planet.
One of our 100 Founders at The Cares Organization, an avid wildlife conservationist, introduced us to this worthy initiative. Today, The Cares Organization has partnered with Banovich Wildscapes Foundation enabling your contribution to support any one of their 12 projects in over 7 countries, helping to save wildlife and wilderness for future generations.
On this Rhino project, Banovich Wildscapes Foundation joined the Oelofse Family in their crucial rhino conservation efforts with Mount Etjo Rhino Trust in partnership with the Shikar Safari Club Foundation. Together, they implemented a groundbreaking method to enhance the safety of our cherished rhinos – by inserting tracking devices into their horns. A special thank you to our generous Founder: Ricardo Longoria, his wife Britt, and The Longoria-Hosmer Foundation, for highlighting this dynamic charity Banovich Wildscapes Foundation, as a recipient of our funds.
Join our mission as a global community to create a sustainable world for all life and for our future generations! Make a donation online or discuss your specific areas of interest and custom-tailored projects with us by emailing us at: [email protected].
Please consult your tax advisor in your jurisdiction, but some of the Best Ways to support Wildlife Conservation are:
Make a one-time donation or as a monthly donor joining a special group of people that provide the needed funding that foster cooperative efforts to conserve the earth’s wildlife and wild places benefiting the wildlife, people, communities and our planet. One of the simplest ways to make a planned gift is by including a bequest in your Will to support: Wildlife Conservation. With a Bequest, you’re in control of the funds and property during your lifetime while reducing your estate taxes. Designating The Cares Organization as the beneficiary of your Retirement Assets allows you to support ‘Wildlife Conservation’ while fulfilling your charitable objectives, which can also help bypass multi-tier tax exposure, preserve your estate’s value, and protect your heirs from potential tax burdens. With Charitable Remainder Trusts, if you have appreciated property, you can save on taxes while planning for retirement and providing a donation to The Cares Organization. Have you thought of establishing a new Life Insurance Policy altogether? Designate The Cares Organization as applicant, owner, and beneficiary. What a great way to know you’re leaving behind a Legacy of Giving. Giving a Life Insurance Policy can transform a modest gift into a significant one!
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